August 26, 2015


The past trip has been truly memorable. Incredible weather and fishing conditions have been coupled with some remarkable catches. And, it appears we’ve had the most couples at the lodge with this trip exceeding 50% of our guest count.

Coho have been the flair and their size is often exceeding 15 pounds. Chinook continue to be a regular catch and we’ve recently had several Tyee including our largest at 36 pounds.

Hot spots have switched around and we’re now regularly fishing Cape Swain and the western edge of Seaforth Channel. Here, we’re finding large amounts of schooling herring and other baitfish and the salmon are staying close. Cheney 1 and 2 continue to produce and the “Notch” is a regular haunt especially for our repeat anglers from earlier in the season.

Artificial lures are a favourite at this time of year and popular colours are anything green/white. Many anglers are reporting a simple mooching rig drift with cut-plug herring and free weights has been the most productive. Popular

We’re looking forward to our first week of September soon. The weather is expected to continue to be excellent and the fishing is often the very best of the year.

Special update:

As of 11:00 am today and as the guests are coming in from the last morning of their trip, the report is fishing is excellent and as many as 10 fish per angler.  Four Tyee over 30lbs and multiple nice Coho have been weighed in and more to come. Congratulations Dave and Pat on a nice 30 pounder and to Fred and Laura on their beautiful Chinook.


Fred&Laura Dave&Pat

George Cuthbert




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