August 4, 2015



“We’ll be back and bringing more of our friends” were the words of King Pacific Lodge guest Mark Anderson. “We’ve fished the BC coast at many different lodges over the years and this experience has exceeded all expectations.”

This week provided excellent fishing and of course many, many fish stories. Anglers have been accessing all of the productive Milbanke Sound fishing areas with ease; many only minutes from the lodge.

Up until this afternoon, the largest Chinook of the season was boated on the very day last trip. Weighing in at 48.5 pounds. This “Tyee” was enticed by the favoured “Cut Plug” herring trolled at 50ft near Cheney Point.  Anglers have been using their choice of Herring, Anchovy or artificial lures including spoons and “hoochies”.  Congratulations go out to angler Mark R, Mark A and Guide Bradan James.


Reports of exceptionally large Chinook are coming in on a regular basis and Tyee topping sixty pounds are what dreams are made of for many anglers. Until this morning, the two other fish guessed at being well over fifty pounds have both spat the hooks and evaded the landing net.  This was until this morning when Dan Sly of Alberta landed a whopping 63 pound Tyee Chinook at Cape Mark. Guided by Troy Hogg and with long time friend Jim Funk, the massive salmon took about 45 minutes to land.  “We dropped our lines at Cape Mark at 6am today and had the fish on the line just five minutes later” Said Dan. “Other boats hooked up right away and several large fish were taken on the same tide.”

Congratulations Dan, Troy and Jim – all now legendary for catching the largest Chinook at King Pacific lodge.


Coho continue to be in good abundance and as our season continues; so does their average size now reaching well over 10 pounds. The largest to date is 15 pounds.

Wildlife, adventure and luxury are all in a days fishing at King Pacific Lodge. Should you be wishing more information on our exciting packages please contact us anytime!


George Cuthbert














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