Aug. 23 Recap: Whopping, 38-lb Tyees and the largest Coho Yet
The bite is certainly on at King Pacific Lodge!
This past week has produced some truly exceptional fishing. The weather has been beautiful with flat calm seas. We have been accessing all of our favourite fishing areas and having tremendous success.
Chinook and Coho salmon have been abundant very close to the lodge and within Louisa Cove, Cheney Point, Cape Swain and Cape Mark. For those who like a little adventure we have also been running out to McGinnes Island. Halibut and Ling Cod have been coming in steady.
Anchovy & Flasher and almost any type of spoon has been working the best. Generally, the fish are between 40 and 80ft depth.
Highlights of this past week include several nice Tyee over 30 pounds. Just this morning a nice 38lb came to the dock along with the largest Coho of the season at 15 pounds. As we enter September I expect the Coho to be averaging about 13 pounds and some should be as high as 20. There is already an amazing abundance of Coho and this should be one of ourbest seasons for these beautiful fish.
As one would expect for this area, Humpback whales, Sea Otters, Seals and some Sea lions are an added pleasure to experience on the water.
All is good at King Pacific Lodge! The food, camaraderie, and overall experience here at Milbanke Sound makes this for great memories. Should you still like to fit in a trip this summer we are still booking into early September. And, should you already be thinking of next year we would love to book you into your preferred time period.
Tight lines